Donation For Indian Citizens (For Old Students only)

Course Finances

Vipassana courses worldwide (In tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin as taught by Shri S.N. Goenka) are run solely on a donation basis from old students. In this way courses are supported by those who have realized for themselves the benefits of the practice. Wishing to share these benefits with others, one gives a donation according to one's means and volition. Such donations are the only source of finances for course in this tradition around the world. There is no foundation or individual sponsoring these courses. Neither the teachers nor the organizers receive any kind of payment for their service. Thus, the spread of Vipassana is carried out with purity of purpose, free from any commercialism.

Who can donate

Donations are accepted only from old students i.e. from students who have completed at least one ten-day course with Shri S.N. Goenka or one of his assisting teachers. Someone taking the course for the first time may give a donation on the last day of the course or any time thereafter.

Instructions - Please read very carefully

Once donation is complete, share following details on email at, we will send the receipt scan copy by email.

  • Transaction Copy
  • Id Proof (PAN/AADHAAR Scan Copy)
  • Donor Name
  • Full Address
  • Contact Number
  • Email


Dhamma Triveni Account Details

A/C NO. 62230 10100 51318
A/C Name Dhamma Triveni
IFSC UBIN0562238
Branch PN ROAD